Stupid or Something?
Now… I will share some more secrets. But first… What’s wrong with this person’s reply? Can you spot it?

Read the first sentence in its entirety (automatically generated replica of my comment in an auction at Now read the response. Am I the twit who can’t read, or is this some dumb twat who thinks they’re pulling the wool over my eyes?
Funny how all of this persons’ fake designer bags, with prices starting at 300Dhs have vanished from the site.
Ok… Now on to the secrets:
Secret #1: I’m somewhat a compulsive shopper and my shopping sprees have spread to wholesale. Way back I had a naval piercing, and realized it was almost impossible to find body piercing jewelry here in the UAE. When I did find it, it was priced outrageously. Anyone looking for body jewerly can tell you this. Actually, when I had the stud in my labret, people would actually walk up to me and ask where I got the jewerly. Recently, I purchased a whole lot of beautiful sterling silver & stainless steel naval rings and I’m reselling them individually, at fantastic prices at
Here are some examples of what I’ve got and how much I’m starting my bids at:

Starting Bid: AED 55

Starting Bid: AED 45

Starting Bid: AED 40

Starting Bid: AED 45
Secret #2: Most of my readers here already know I paint (some of which are also being auctioned at But do you know what other creative stuff I can and do, do? Take a look:

Starting Bid: MORE expensive. Because it was made by the one and only I and I’ve got family already selling it for more back home!

Starting Bid: Same as above! (To be honest with you… I just want to see how these will sell here, because I’m almost positive they will not. They’re not UAE style, are they? There’s no Givenchi or Tiffany tag on ‘em!)
3rd Secret: You already know by now. I’m attempting to auction tons of stuff at, new & used. And I bought a Disney DVD from there too! I love the place and think more people should be taking part. I bet lots of you closet compulsive shoppers – and sellers would love it too!
Yes… I am advertising my auctions with this entry. Why not?
**Note, I will not entertain your requests to purchase these items here. If you’re interested, click on the links showing the bid amounts to view the auctions.
For a list of everything I’m selling and for how much, please take a look here.

Read the first sentence in its entirety (automatically generated replica of my comment in an auction at Now read the response. Am I the twit who can’t read, or is this some dumb twat who thinks they’re pulling the wool over my eyes?
Funny how all of this persons’ fake designer bags, with prices starting at 300Dhs have vanished from the site.
Ok… Now on to the secrets:
Secret #1: I’m somewhat a compulsive shopper and my shopping sprees have spread to wholesale. Way back I had a naval piercing, and realized it was almost impossible to find body piercing jewelry here in the UAE. When I did find it, it was priced outrageously. Anyone looking for body jewerly can tell you this. Actually, when I had the stud in my labret, people would actually walk up to me and ask where I got the jewerly. Recently, I purchased a whole lot of beautiful sterling silver & stainless steel naval rings and I’m reselling them individually, at fantastic prices at
Here are some examples of what I’ve got and how much I’m starting my bids at:

Starting Bid: AED 55

Starting Bid: AED 45

Starting Bid: AED 40

Starting Bid: AED 45
Secret #2: Most of my readers here already know I paint (some of which are also being auctioned at But do you know what other creative stuff I can and do, do? Take a look:

Starting Bid: MORE expensive. Because it was made by the one and only I and I’ve got family already selling it for more back home!

Starting Bid: Same as above! (To be honest with you… I just want to see how these will sell here, because I’m almost positive they will not. They’re not UAE style, are they? There’s no Givenchi or Tiffany tag on ‘em!)
3rd Secret: You already know by now. I’m attempting to auction tons of stuff at, new & used. And I bought a Disney DVD from there too! I love the place and think more people should be taking part. I bet lots of you closet compulsive shoppers – and sellers would love it too!
Yes… I am advertising my auctions with this entry. Why not?
**Note, I will not entertain your requests to purchase these items here. If you’re interested, click on the links showing the bid amounts to view the auctions.
For a list of everything I’m selling and for how much, please take a look here.
CSI:NY – Original DVD Season 1, Ep 1, 2 & 3 NO RESERVE
CSI:NY – Original DVD Season 1, Ep 4, 5, & 6 NO RESERVE
CSI:NY – Original DVD Season 1, Ep 7, 8 & 9 NO RESERVE
These 3, I take. Blogger Buds get a discount yes?
roflmao!~ Now that's just not fair. I mentioned right here that I won't entertain requests through blogger! It's actually against souq polocies!
Are you a member?
Symphony, check your email!
Hey tainty or tainters, or whatever the bleep...'
YOU ARE HILARIOUS! u have party or hallowen costumes for sale?
They're so pretty! Never realized you were an Internet auction junkie. :-)
Tainted and Talented. Beautiful work! I like the second set in particular. Where do you get the material for the jewelry? What material do you use?
Why thank you anon....
BF... no, but I can make you a ghost costume out of some sheets if you like.
Lizza... I didn't realize it either. It's new for me as well. But I'm having a blast. Imagine, shopping without ever having to leave home!!!
SS... Thank you. I bought all the supplies in Canada - some this year and some before. And the materials depends on the piece. For the first one here, it's rose quartz and coated jewelry wire. The second one here is simply bronze coated glass and gold-toned jewelry wire.
:) Almost none of this is made from real silver or gold, which means chances are they simply wouldn't sell here. In the UAE, creative fashion is drowned by designer names (fake or real) and high priced (or fake hihg-priced) pieces.
They sell well in Canada, because people prefer originality over mass-produced lables. :)
Amen to that, tainted. Originality over brands any day.
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