Alright, it’s about time for me to bitch again. And once again, my bitch is going to be about a
World Famous (at least he likes to think so) Blogger.
Funny thing about this is I don’t even know where to start this one. You see, once upon a time, I cared about this pathetic little boy who has more emotional and psychological issues than any of you could assume and I could possibly fathom. I shit you not, his issues make mine look like a picnic! I even brought the little dick into my home, where he dug through my dirty laundry (literally) and sniffed my panties – and then confessed the same to me in guilty tears.
Call me a bitch for outing him, but he sure as fuck deserves this. It’s been a long time coming.
I’m sure many of you remember Sam and his attack on me,
on my OWN blog, where I sat silently allowing him to tear me apart piece by piece and never said a REAL word in defense. I’m sure many of you also remember the same little fuck going through my blog and deleting everything he ever said that was offensive towards me – all by himself. And I’m sure just as many of you remember me never explaining what happened behind the scenes to make this macho-blogger literally take back everything he said.
Well guess what Sam, you’ve had more than enough time to explain yourself to me, and more than enough opportunity to apologize and instead of doing so, you choose to continue to piss me off.
Just why did you delete Babe UAE’s post in the community café? Could it be because she borrowed a few words from me, and it was the one post I decided to comment on in your world famous community blog? Could it be, you disagreed with everything she said, which pretty much only mirrored what I have already said
here? She said nothing in that post that could harm your ‘community’. She said nothing that could have you banned. She made an observation, one that I’m sure many who have been there for long enough can relate to.
Could it be that just as I do you, you still hold a deep resentment for me? The only real difference is, there’s no secret as to why I resent you. You sold me out. Why you resent me is still a fucking mystery – despite the stories you’ve told others. Once upon a time, you did confess your love for me, didn’t you? It’s a thin line, isn’t it?
Sam removed all the shit he said about me, because I sent him an email promising him if he didn’t, I would respond to every single accusation he ever made, with FACTS and evidence far more incriminating towards him than his attack on me could have ever been. When people asked what happened, why we were no longer cool, he told them I blackmailed him. Sorry hun, it wasn’t blackmail. It was a promise to respond if you didn’t stop your unwarranted, unexplained, completely psychotic attack on me – which I believe occurred before I even mentioned that I could destroy your ‘blogging rep’ – which is all you really had before returning home, wasn’t it? Still got the screen shots Sam – of what you truly feel about the UAE nationals (your WHOLE site) along with a few other tidbits from emails, or msn chats we’ve had that would make people from NZM to MD shake their heads…
Samuraisam, now’s your chance to explain yourself about deleting that one entry by Babe UAE, and why you fucked me over the way you did. I, more than anyone else, would LOVE to know what I ever did to you, prior to this post. Perhaps if you explain I’ll understand, possibly even forgive… But if you choose to ignore or attack, you’ll always have an enemy right here. And that’s a game we both know you can’t play.
Such a pity too, cause I swear to God, I loved you as a brother once. But we all know how you’re going to react to this, don’t we?
Labels: Dubai, friends, funny, past, personal, personal blogging, relationship, waste of time