Saturday, April 22, 2006

Criminal Blogs; Before Kevin Underwood there was Joseph Duncan

There are no words to describe this sort of thing.

His murder of a ten year old girl was discovered two days after his last post. She went missing, a day before the last post. Tell-tale signs in the Blog?

Kevin Underwood’s Blog

CNN Article on This

And he’s not the first. This man kidnapped an eight year old girl and her brother, up until two days before murdering her parents kept his Blog; which in my eyes is far more evident and telling of violent behavior, than the more recent Blog of Kevin Underwood.

Joseph Edward Duncan III’s Blog

CNN Article on This

Blogs like this and the Law?

I feel sick to my stomach after looking through all this. The idea that someone like Joseph Duncan was convicted of such a crime years ago; and nothing that I know of monitors Blogs for these sorts of telling signs; while then came Underwood, is really fucking scary.

I can’t help but wonder how many other murderers/violent criminals are writing about their personal torture; giving clues to their future heinous activities are being read by multiple people all over the world, and yet no one is able to see deep enough between the lines, to catch it before it’s too late.

What if you’re reading? What if I’m reading? And why aren’t we catching these things before they’re too late?

I can pin-point a low self-esteem through typed words on a screen. I can feel a mood through choice of words. I can see when someone is truly happy for another, or just feigning it. Or at least I think I can; but then, I shouldn’t be the only one. Others should be able to see and feel such things too. Why were these guys missed?


Blogger black feline said...

your royal highness..dare me ask u a rude question? do u get the creeping feeling when u read baluchi's blog? disturbing perhaps? have u wonder why he quitted his job as grave digger and now he is a painter? i smell a rat! pls comment

5:35 AM, April 23, 2006  
Blogger Tainted Female said...


since balushi is MIA these days, I can't comment...

I can tell you a secret though.. I get a creepy feeling while reading MY blog sometimes... LOL!

leghorn... don't even know how to respond to this one.

6:02 PM, April 23, 2006  

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