Who is Astonished?

The only people, who should be astonished by Bush’s recent claims, are the American public; those that refuse to see the propaganda/terror campaign he’s aimed against his own people since he was placed in office; those who have access and desire to watch international media concerning recent events and are forced to see it now.
This claim doesn’t surprise me at all. Bush is well aware of how uneducated his public is on international matters. Bush is confident that the Zionist run media in his country will perfectly exaggerate his claim, taking a blatant lie and turning it into fact that will go down in every American published history book. This claim will gain American support; greater public approval of the Israeli attacks on
This O American ladies and gentlemen, is the very propaganda you’re being fed daily. This is the very propaganda you’ve been fed since this man started opening his mouth and speaking to you. And if you still choose to believe in him, let me remind you that he himself recently admitted to ‘making things up’ during international talks. Should this news surprise you now, should you still believe the lies of an admitted liar, you are an idiot. And that’s all there is to it.
Just remember before you point the propaganda finger that Canadian media wasn't perfect either.
But did you also read the subtitle?
White House says that Israel has full backing of the rest of the world
Tell that to Lebanon - last I heard, they were a part of the rest of the world.
This whole damn world is just scary now adays. I have never in my life been made so ill by the news and the testosterone flying around.
TTFN and kiss. As always your entires make me feel I should take on bigger subjects.
al sinjab...
You have no idea what I think and feel about Canada, do you?
Had I the energy, I'd write you a nice little rant about it, but to be honest, I'm a little tired because of the one I wrote the other day...
Just scroll down the page a little and you'll see what I'm on about.
AS for the media specifically, Canadians know less about international events than Americans. There's NOTHING in our media, ever.
Smokey Mirror... lol... put your hands back down. It's not happening just yet.
nzm, Yup, Lebanon, and Syria, and Iran, and UAE, and even the United Nations are part of the world - that are not 'backing' Israel in the least.
But if Bush Says it... The American Public will believe it, no?
I love you and am glad you finally made it around to saying something...
Do I really have to call you purchasewoods?
al sinjab...
You have no idea what I think and feel about Canada, do you?
Had I the energy, I'd write you a nice little rant about it, but to be honest, I'm a little tired because of the one I wrote the other day...
Just sci much. haha. ABCDE ma. quite nice, i guess. haha.
Hmmm... 2dae, i was quite pissed when i heard tt my biology teacher is one of the seven teachers tt e stupid Hak Boon wanted to transfer to other schools. i heard tt the seven teachers hu hav contributed to cat high in numerous ways r going to b transfer to some neighbour sch... Wat e hell!!! My math, physics, bio teacher r all transfer out. my chem and eng teacher had left since they somehow cant stand hak boon, i guess ba. sigh. i believe strongly tt veri soon, i shall no longer hav any reason to go back le. sigh. I shall miss all of them.
I can see you can copy & paste, but...
What language are you speaking? And to whom?
i pity the common american man for his ignorance, which renders him a disabled, burden of a twerp in the eyes of the rest of the entire universe :|
Alright, I'm going to play devil's advocate here. I've seen widespread support for Israel's actions in not just the American media, but also in Indian newspapers. In fact, after the Mumbai bomb blasts, several people in the Indian blogosphere were comparing the 'soft' response of India unfavorably with Israel's response to the captured soldiers.
I'm just posting a few relevant comments from people on other blogs:
Comment #1
The hezbollah had captured 2 soldiers and the israelis sent in tanks and aircrafts to teach them a lesson!
Imagine a leader that says stuff like this! Aur ek apne leaders hain… (and on the other hand there are [weak] leaders like [India's])
Comment #2
Palestenians militants capture one israeli soldier, and the whole country goes to war to save him.
We keep facing blasts left right and center with hundreds dying, and all our eunuch prime minister is capable off is saying “We condone these deaths” and “These are acts of cowards”.
What a shame.
Just so you know, I disagree with this view entirely, and I think very highly of India's mature reaction when compared to Israel. But it's important to be able to see the other point of view - America and India have been targeted by Islamic terrorists over and over, and they sympathize with Israel simply because they are in a similar position. It's not a matter of they are Arabs/Muslims, so we don't give a fuck. Condemning Israel would be seen by the public as being soft on terror, and no politician can be seen as a 'softie'.
And one of my colleagues had an enlightening view on why Israel is such a trigger-happy state: the Jews have been persecuted for so long, they now view any act of aggression as an attempt to exterminate them - which is a reasonable belief, since that's exactly what's been attempted several times before. Comments by international leaders denying their right to exist don't help, they fuel the fire. They've grown up in a military state, convinced that their neighbours are trying to destroy them, but believing that they are God's people and it is their destiny to survive. It's unfortunate, but it gives you some insight into why they do the things they do.
If you read my post, you'd know that it was directed at Global National News and the Harper government; not at Canadians or the Canada in general. I thought CBC and CTV had fairly good coverage. Additionally, the NDP party promptly spoke out against the Israeli attacks.
I'm not going to play the game of Who's More Ignorant? I just think it's important to bear this in mind when complaining about the US.
As do I ED. Now, did you do your tag?
Boy your comments were missed.
’ Condemning Israel would be seen by the public as being soft on terror, and no politician can be seen as a 'softie'.’
Palestinians, & Lebanese are terrorists? No. It’d only be seen that way because of propaganda as shown here. They’ve all acted with terror in reaction to terror. Iraq did nothing (but had a president that America created in the first place). And Afghanistan did what again?
And as for the reason Israeli’s are the way they way they are… Hun, an abused child who grows up to be a mass murderer, still get sentenced. His actions still aren’t acceptable.
I hear ya, I really do. But I think they’re pretty shallow thoughts.
You’re always so descriptive in your speech. Give me a call when you’re free. I’ve been meaning to check in on you and yours but just haven’t found the minute.
Al Sinjab,
To start with, I read your post in full, before I linked it in the other forum. Moving on, if you didn’t want to play that ‘game’ perhaps your initial comment was misleading and unnecessary?
Palestinians, & Lebanese are terrorists? No. It’d only be seen that way because of propaganda as shown here
Agreed, but thats not the way it's perceived here. And to oppose the war would be a very bad political move. In fact, even Lebanese-American members of Congress have voted for the resolution supporting Israel.
And as for the reason Israeli’s are the way they way they are… Hun, an abused child who grows up to be a mass murderer, still get sentenced.
No doubt. I was trying to shed some light on why they behave so irresponsibly, not justify their actions.
And which bit was shallow?
WHY do you keep assuming I'm backing Israel. I've already made my position clear.
And all of the 'excuses' they have are shallow.
Now who is the one spreading propaganda? If you want a legit discussion, youll have to stop taking sides.
Is this your first 'tainted debate'?
I MUST take sides. I'm tainted. Remember?
yes Master, i did the tag last night :P
What are the chances... ? I just finished catching up on that tag of yours... damn woman...
You're an interesting girl, that's for damn sure.
hehhee, why thank you. Coming from Tainted Female, arguably the most intriguing female blogger in the khaleeji blogosphere, i am absolutely flattered :">
I love playing the compliment game.
Helps with the self-esteem and ego.
If only BabyK were here to join, we'd all leave here with heads about 3 sizes too big to fit on our bodies!
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